

Recover your pass

Can’t find your ticket in your email box? 
Use the below basic option to download it again.

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Use the below basic option to DOWNLOAD it again.

  1. STEP 1: introduce your email; click NEXT. IMPORTANT: use the same email address that you used at registration for the event: only this address will let you download your ticket. If you didn’t register personally, please make sure which email was used for your registration
  2. STEP 2: introduce the temporary token received by email to login, click NEXT
  3. STEP 3: use a one-time session to see your ticket details and to download a PDF with the ticket
  4. the session is active until you close the browser; if you close it by accident, repeat the steps to generate a new temporary token.
  5. depending on the mail provider, the waiting time for the token may take up to 30 minutes; please also check the SPAM folder

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